Data Production & Demographic Analysis

With over 25 years of experience, Citygate has provided data development services to support redistricting projects, analysis, litigation and map production throughout North America. In 2000 and 2010 redistricting cycles, Citygate provided merged PL and Tiger data with racial aggregations for all 50 states. Citygate has also provided redistricting databases which have included combinations of Census data, geocoded voters aggregated by party, and election results including summaries for 10 election cycles.
Data production services include:
- - Verified Tiger and PL data databases by state, county, city or user defined area
- - Geocoding of voter files and integration with Census data
- - Tabulation of election results and disaggregation to block level suitable for redistricting
- - Integration of political and demographic data into redistricting database
- - Database creation for litigation support

The Citygate team has extensive experience with performing demographic analysis using Census, voter, election and commercial population profile data. Our team also has expertise in compactness, population and political party dispersion analysis projects.
The following are a summary of the demographic analysis services offered:
- - Geocoding and voter aggregation
- - Racial demographic analysis
- - Litigation support
- - Compactness analysis
- - Constituency analysis
- - Political subdivision reports
- - Database creation
- - Hardcopy and online map production
- - Incumbent analysis
- - Custom software development
- - Market demographics